Winds, snowfalls, frosts - we are used to everything. But sometimes nature prepares a more difficult test for us - high atmospheric pressure.
Forecasters note: on such days, health is at risk. Doctors agree with them. The risk of ischemic strokes and cerebral hemorrhages, as well as heart attacks, increases. Well, and just hypertensive crises and angina. On such days, the number of requests for medical help from neurologists and cardiologists traditionally increases.
According to experts, such weather has the greatest impact on hypertensive patients - people with chronically high blood pressure. Elderly people are especially at risk - they usually have problems with the cardiovascular system not only limited to hypertension, which means that in such weather they are likely to feel bad.
In such weather, hypertensive patients experience decreased performance, headaches, tinnitus, and even a red face (one of the signs of high blood pressure).
And the worst thing in this situation is that most people do not monitor their blood pressure and do not even know what the normal pressure is for them. And such weather has an almost 100% effect on people with abnormal blood pressure. About 30-35% of them have the most severe consequences in the form of strokes and heart attacks (not necessarily now, perhaps in the future). In healthy people, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure can cause a predisposition to hypertension or hypotension.
How can you protect yourself?
The first and most important thing is to monitor your health. In particular, measure your blood pressure twice a day. And, of course, watch the weather forecast. If you have hypertension, it is better to consult your doctor, and he will prescribe you medications for such cases.
With high atmospheric pressure, hypotensive patients (people with chronically low blood pressure) can have it both increase (then they feel even better than on other days) and decrease.
The impact of weather anomalies can be gradual. For example, today you may not feel that something is wrong with your blood vessels, but next time such abnormal weather conditions can seriously harm your weakened health.
By the way, today’s weather affects not only your blood pressure. Drowsiness, apathy, weakness, a feeling of aches and even unmotivated anxiety are just some of the “gifts” that such weather can give not only to hypertensive patients, but also to completely healthy people.
According to doctor Ekaterina Kurbatova, low atmospheric pressure can cause dizziness, drowsiness, decreased concentration. The risk of exacerbations in people with joint diseases and migraines also increases. A feeling of depression may also appear.
According to her, in order to alleviate the condition during periods of fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, it is necessary to maintain a regular sleep and diet. On such days, relaxation, meditation, or yoga can come to the rescue. Moderate physical exercise helps improve blood circulation and overall well-being.
The expert recommends avoiding fatty and fried foods, as well as drinking enough water. Do not self-medicate or abuse medications.
“If you regularly feel unwell with changes in atmospheric pressure, it is recommended to consult a doctor,” concluded Ekaterina Kurbatova.
Cardiologist Yulia Marshintseva revealed ways to survive high atmospheric pressure. According to her, on such days, rest and a contrast shower will help, the latter - if we are not talking about a hypertensive person, but simply about a person whose health has worsened.
The expert advised not to overexert yourself and allow yourself a break. “If you work at a computer, for example, you can tilt your chair back a little, taking a semi-recumbent position, and stretch your legs so that they are not bent,” she explained.
It is also useful to drink herbal teas, Marshintseva added. Lingonberry leaves, which should be brewed and drunk instead of tea, will help normalize blood pressure.